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Л. А. Тихомирова Понятие разграничения компетенции Российской Федерации и ее субъектов.

Аннотация: The article includes analysis of various approaches to “objects of competence”, “powers” and “competence”. The author offers his own view and defi nition to “separation of competences”, then she correlates “state competence” to “competence of state bodies”.

Ключевые слова:

jurisprudence, objects of competence, powers, Constitution of Russia, competence, competence of the state, competence of state bodies, separation of objects of competence, distinguishing competence, state

Abstract: The article includes analysis of various approaches to “objects of competence”, “powers” and “competence”. The author offers his own view and defi nition to “separation of competences”, then she correlates “state competence” to “competence of state bodies”.


jurisprudence, objects of competence, powers, Constitution of Russia, competence, competence of the state, competence of state bodies, separation of objects of competence, distinguishing competence, state

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