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Н. Н. Меньшенина Парламентаризм как политический источник лоббизма: анализ практики США и Великобритании

Аннотация: The article is devoted to lobbying as an event, which was born in parliamentary systems. The author analyzes specific features for formation and implementation of lobbying communications in parliamentary bodies of the USA and the GB. The author shows the infl uence of large capitals in formation of large corporate groups in parliaments of the USA and the GB. Then she comes to a conclusion that an American model is more democratic, and is more related to interests of financial and industrial groups, than to the party processes.

Ключевые слова:

political science, state, Parliament, politics, power, corruption, legislative draft, the Great Britain, the USA

Abstract: The article is devoted to lobbying as an event, which was born in parliamentary systems. The author analyzes specific features for formation and implementation of lobbying communications in parliamentary bodies of the USA and the GB. The author shows the infl uence of large capitals in formation of large corporate groups in parliaments of the USA and the GB. Then she comes to a conclusion that an American model is more democratic, and is more related to interests of financial and industrial groups, than to the party processes.


political science, state, Parliament, politics, power, corruption, legislative draft, the Great Britain, the USA

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