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Правильная ссылка на статью:

Д. Б. Сергеев Юридическое лицо публичного права: перспективы введения правовой конструкции в российское законодательство на примере муниципального образования

Аннотация: The article is devoted to history of correlation of term s “legal entity” and “municipal entity” (municipium). The author separates the institutions of “municipal formation – legal entity of private law” and “municipal formation – legal entity of public law”. Taking as an example the problems, related to conclusion of contracts between municipal bodies, the author shows the need for recognition of the public law status of municipal formations.

Ключевые слова:

jurisprudence, legal entity, legal person of public law, municipal entity, agreements among the municipal government bodies, municipal self-government, municipal government bodies, contract, public law, municipium

Abstract: The article is devoted to history of correlation of term s “legal entity” and “municipal entity” (municipium). The author separates the institutions of “municipal formation – legal entity of private law” and “municipal formation – legal entity of public law”. Taking as an example the problems, related to conclusion of contracts between municipal bodies, the author shows the need for recognition of the public law status of municipal formations.


jurisprudence, legal entity, legal person of public law, municipal entity, agreements among the municipal government bodies, municipal self-government, municipal government bodies, contract, public law, municipium

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