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А. Я. Кодинцев Осуществление правовой политики советского государства органами юстиции при проведении компании по реализации Указа ПВС СССР от 26 июня 1940 года

Аннотация: Before the WW2 Stalin initiated a number of campaigns aimed to prepare for the military actions. One of the most important campaigns was implementation of the Decree of the PSC of the USSAR of June 26, 1940 on labor crime (well known as the Decree 26 and 6). Under this Decree there were two kinds of labor crimes…

Abstract: Before the WW2 Stalin initiated a number of campaigns aimed to prepare for the military actions. One of the most important campaigns was implementation of the Decree of the PSC of the USSAR of June 26, 1940 on labor crime (well known as the Decree 26 and 6). Under this Decree there were two kinds of labor crimes…

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