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Д.В. Мазарчук Характеристика древнерусской потестарной организации по данным нормы о выкупе кровной мести в Древнейшей Правде

Аннотация: Compensation of harm and rehabilitation of the persons, who were unlawfully harmed by criminal investigation and prosecution is the mechanism of control of use of criminal prosecution as means to solve financial, political and economical conflicts. In this article Professor Trunov evaluates the issue of compensation of harm, which is caused to both people and legal persons (companies), comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to amend Russian legislation on this issue to bring it into accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil code of the Russian Federation and with the international law, keeping in mind current economical situation and its tendencies.

Abstract: Compensation of harm and rehabilitation of the persons, who were unlawfully harmed by criminal investigation and prosecution is the mechanism of control of use of criminal prosecution as means to solve financial, political and economical conflicts. In this article Professor Trunov evaluates the issue of compensation of harm, which is caused to both people and legal persons (companies), comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to amend Russian legislation on this issue to bring it into accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil code of the Russian Federation and with the international law, keeping in mind current economical situation and its tendencies.

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