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В. Туранин За чистоту терминологических рядов: определяем требования к использованию юридической терминологии в законодательном тексте.

Аннотация: This review presents to readers a fundamental monograph by Professor I.I. Lukashuk, which is devoted to the topical problems of international responsibility. This is the first monograph, devoted to the international responsibilities, which was published after the General Assembly of the UN adopted the Articles on State Responsibility in 2001. In his book Professor Lukashuk studies both theoretical and practical aspects of responsibility both in the international private law and international public law. This monograph is of great interest to professionals in the fields of international public and private law, legal scholars, students, studying law and international relations, etc. This book shall also come handy for the practicing lawyers dealing with the international contacts.

Abstract: This review presents to readers a fundamental monograph by Professor I.I. Lukashuk, which is devoted to the topical problems of international responsibility. This is the first monograph, devoted to the international responsibilities, which was published after the General Assembly of the UN adopted the Articles on State Responsibility in 2001. In his book Professor Lukashuk studies both theoretical and practical aspects of responsibility both in the international private law and international public law. This monograph is of great interest to professionals in the fields of international public and private law, legal scholars, students, studying law and international relations, etc. This book shall also come handy for the practicing lawyers dealing with the international contacts.

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