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Pleshakova, E.S., Filimonov, A.V., Osipov, A.V., Gataullin, S.T. (2022). Identification of cyberbullying by neural network methods. Security Issues, 3, 28–38. DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2022.3.38488 URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=38488
Identification of cyberbullying by neural network methods / Идентификация кибербуллинга нейросетевыми методами
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2022.3.38488EDN: BEINMGДата направления статьи в редакцию: 20-07-2022Дата публикации: 29-07-2022Аннотация: Авторы подробно рассматривают идентификацию кибербуллинга, который осуществляется мошенниками с незаконным использованием персональных данных жертвы. В основном источником данной информации служат социальные сети, электронная почта. Использование социальных сетей в обществе растет в геометрической прогрессии ежедневно. Использование социальных сетей помимо многочисленных плюсов, несет и негативный характер, а именно пользователи сталкиваются с многочисленными киберугрозами. К таким угрозам можно отнести использование персональных данных в преступных целях, киберзапугивание, киберпреступность, фишинг и кибербуллинг. В данной статье мы сосредоточимся на задаче выявления троллей. Выявление троллей в социальных сетях является сложной задачей поскольку они носят динамический характер и собираются в несколько миллиардов записей. Одно из возможных решений выявления троллей это применение алгоритмов машинного обучения. Основным вкладом авторов в исследование темы является применение метода выявления троллей в социальных сетях, который основывается на анализе эмоционального состояния пользователей сети и поведенческой активности. В этой статье, для выявления троллей пользователи объединяются в группы, это объединение осуществляется путем выявления схожего способа общения. Распределение пользователей осуществляется автоматически благодаря применению специального типа нейронных сетей, а именно самоорганизующихся карт Кохонена. Определение номера группы так же осуществляется автоматически. Для определения характеристик пользователей, на основании которых происходит распределение по группам, используется количество комментариев, средняя длина комментария и показатель, отвечающий за эмоциональное состояние пользователя. Ключевые слова: искусственный интеллект, кибербуллинг, машинное обучение, карта Кохонена, нейронные сети, персональные данные, компьютерное преступление, киберпреступления, социальные сети, буллингСтатья подготовлена в рамках государственного задания Правительства Российской Федерации Финансовому университету на 2022 год по теме «Модели и методы распознавания текстов в системах противодействия телефонному мошенничеству» (ВТК-ГЗ-ПИ-30-2022). Abstract: The authors consider in detail the identification of cyberbullying, which is carried out by fraudsters with the illegal use of the victim's personal data. Basically, the source of this information is social networks, e-mails. The use of social networks in society is growing exponentially on a daily basis. The use of social networks, in addition to numerous advantages, also has a negative character, namely, users face numerous cyber threats. Such threats include the use of personal data for criminal purposes, cyberbullying, cybercrime, phishing and cyberbullying. In this article, we will focus on the task of identifying trolls. Identifying trolls on social networks is a difficult task because they are dynamic in nature and are collected in several billion records. One of the possible solutions to identify trolls is the use of machine learning algorithms. The main contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the use of the method of identifying trolls in social networks, which is based on the analysis of the emotional state of network users and behavioral activity. In this article, in order to identify trolls, users are grouped together, this association is carried out by identifying a similar way of communication. The distribution of users is carried out automatically through the use of a special type of neural networks, namely self-organizing Kohonen maps. The group number is also determined automatically. To determine the characteristics of users, on the basis of which the distribution into groups takes place, the number of comments, the average length of the comment and the indicator responsible for the emotional state of the user are used. Keywords: artificial intelligence, cyberbullying, machine learning, kohonen map, neural networks, personal data, computer crime, cybercrimes, social network, bullyingIntroduction The influence of the mass media on the formation of national, political and religious views of the population is undeniable. Limited volumes, author's responsibility allows you to strictly control all the information material that is printed in newspapers, voiced on radio and television. In recent years, social networks have become very widespread. Now their degree of influence on the views of people is comparable to the degree of influence of television [1-3]. The conversational style of communication, the limited liability of authors and the huge number of publications do not allow the use of standard media tools and methods of control. Currently, social networks are actively used for malicious influence [4-5]. This paper deals with the problem of identifying cyberbullying in social networks. Cyberbullying is the users of social networks, forums and other discussion platforms on the Internet who escalate anger, conflict through covert or overt bullying, belittling, insulting another participant or participants in communication. Cyberbullying is expressed in the form of aggressive, mocking and offensive behavior [6-9]. Online cyberbullying causes great harm, since such users can incite conflicts based on religious hostility, ethnic hatred, etc. [10-13]. Even just the participation of cyberbullying in a discussion makes the rest of the participants nervous and wastes their time responding to such a user. It turns out that the discussion on any topic is littered with unnecessary messages. The problem of regulation of cyberbullying comments is getting bigger. One of the possible solutions is the use of machine learning to recognize cyberbullying. Thus, the task of identifying and blocking cyberbullying is relevant. Models and Methods There are various methods to find cyberbullying users. The simplest and most reliable approach is manual moderation of discussions [14-15]. However, given that millions of users communicate on social networks, manual search becomes too costly. In this case, it is necessary to use methods of automated search for cyberbullying. In 2011, a group of researchers from Canada developed an interesting method for identifying users who engaged in cyberbullying for money [1]. The method is based on the analysis of comments left by attackers and their behavior on the network. It is assumed that such users have similar behavior patterns, which makes it possible to identify them. Table 1 lists the characteristics of user comments that were analyzed. Table 1. List of characteristics of user comments
The researchers used a classification based on semantic and non-semantic analysis. The maximum detection accuracy was 88.79%. As the researchers themselves note, in earlier studies based only on the analysis of the content of messages, the accuracy did not exceed 50% [2-4]. At the same time, a significant drawback is the dependence of the proposed algorithm on easily changed indicators, such as Post Time or Post Location. Sequence No is also an unreliable parameter. In our opinion, the most accurate way to determine whether a user is an attacker or not is only by analyzing the text of his comments and the frequency of posting. Moreover, given the fact that attackers can write with errors, use formulaic phrases or disguise themselves as normal users, it is better to analyze not the semantic part of their comments, but the emotional component, since it is much more difficult to forge. In addition, it should be taken into account that attackers do not just write comments, but try to manipulate other participants in the discussion, which should also manifest itself in the emotional component. Let's try to qualitatively imagine typical models of user behavior in a social network when posting comments. Most of the users practically do not leave comments on the message they like. Usually put "like" or "class". At best, they will write something like “super!”, “Cool”, or the like. Those. we are dealing with single comments, which are usually very short. The next category of users writes longer comments, which, as a rule, reflect their emotional attitude to the message. Another category of participants in the discussion is the “victims” of cyberbullying. As a rule, they try to prove something and at the same time write very detailed comments with an abundance of emotions. And finally, cyberbullying attackers. These are people who constantly participate in the discussion, try to provoke other participants, and, therefore, cannot unsubscribe with short phrases. To identify the emotional state of the discussion participant, we used the fact that the structure of the informational text is fundamentally different from the structure of the inspiring (manipulating) text and is characterized by the absence of intentional rhythmization of its lexical and phonetic units [16-17]. In practice, this means that some sound combinations can not only evoke certain emotions, but can also be perceived as certain images [5]. For example, in combinations, the letter “and” with an indication of the subject has the property of “reducing” the object, in front of which (or in which) it is clearly dominant. Also, the sound "o" gives the impression of softness and relaxation. The predominance of the sounds "a" and "e", as a rule, is associated with an emotional upsurge. Based on the prerequisites listed above, we proposed the fields listed in Table 2 for analysis. Table 2. List of fields for analysis
The values of these fields are calculated using the following formulas:
where p - is the user's serial number, i - is the message serial number for the p-th user, Mp - is the number of messages for the p-th user, x - is the symbol for which the calculation is made; Ni,x,p - is the number of characters x in the i-th message of the p-th user; Ni,p - is the total number of characters in the i-th message.
To train the classifier, we prepared a statistical sample of more than 1200 comments on a message on a political topic. There were 145 active participants in the discussion. In this sample, 2 intruders were manually identified. In addition, another sample on religious topics was prepared for testing, consisting of 61 comments and 30 active participants. There were no perpetrators in this sample. Table 3 shows an example of a training set.
Table 3. An example of a training set
Kohonen's self-organizing maps [3], implemented on the basis of the analytical package Deductor, were used as a classifier. The following settings were used for training: 1. Determining the number of clusters is automatic; 2. The learning rate is 0.3 at the beginning and 0.005 at the end; 3. The learning radius at the beginning is 4, and at the end 0.1; 4. The maximum number of training epochs is 1000. As a result of the training, the Kohonen map was obtained, shown in Figure Picture. 1. Map of Kohonen
This figure shows the results of constructing the Kohonen map in projections on the input parameters. A total of 7 clusters were identified. The cluster containing intruders is most clearly visible in the projection on the Mp parameter. To test the correct operation of the neural network, we “manually” identified two typical attackers, and many participants in the discussion described these users in the same way. Both users ended up in cluster number 0 (in the figure it is marked with a dot). In the same group, there were two more users who, after additional analysis of their messages, were also characterized by us as malefactors. There were no erroneous detections of intruders in the test sample. As a result of the training, a table of the significance of the fields was also compiled to classify users as intruders. Table 4. Table of significance of fields
This table shows that, although the number of comments is of the greatest importance, the frequency characteristics of individual characters that determine the emotional state of the user also affect the decision to classify a discussion participant as cyberbullying. Figure 2 shows a generalized scheme of the proposed algorithm for detecting intruders. Picture. 2. Generalized scheme of the algorithm The proposed algorithm for detecting intruders consists of the following steps: 1. All comments are selected from the selected discussion in the social network; 2. Comments enter the data cleaning and transformation block, where, according to formulas 1 and 2, they are converted to the form presented in table 3; 3. This data is passed through the Kohonen network; 4. At the output of the network, we get for each participant in the discussion the number of the cluster to which he belongs; 5. Correlating the numbers of clusters with the initial user data in the interpretation block, we get a list of intruders identified in this discussion. The proposed algorithm has a number of advantages compared to the one described at the beginning of the article: 1. For analysis, we do not use user IDs that are easily changed; 2. We do not need to take into account the geography of the participants in the discussion; 3. The discussion can be extended indefinitely in time, but this will not affect the quality of the algorithm in any way; 4. For analysis, we use the emotional component of comments, and we identify this component not by words, as in other authors, but by the frequencies of occurrence of certain characters. This gives the algorithm stability in case of text distortion or intruder masking. Of the shortcomings, the following should be noted: 1. The algorithm works effectively only when the discussion already contains several hundred comments; 2. The proposed method does not work if attackers write single comments from different accounts or use special software bots. Conclusion This article proposed a method for detecting cyberbullying in social networks, which is based on an analysis of the emotional state of network users and behavioral activity. Testing has shown the effectiveness of the proposed method. Using the proposed method for detecting cyberbullying in social networks, it is possible to process large amounts of data without using user identifiers that are easily changed. For analysis, the emotional component of comments is used, and we identify this component not by words, as in other authors, but by the frequencies of occurrence of certain characters. This gives the algorithm stability in case of text distortion or intruder masking. The results obtained are not highly accurate. Such methods will greatly facilitate the search for cyberbullying and reduce processing costs for post moderators in order to improve the quality of communication and comfortable viewing of content for users of social networks.
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1. C. Chen, K. Wu, V. Srinivasan, X. Zhang. Battling the Internet Water Army: Detection of Hidden Paid Posters. http://arxiv.org/pdf/1111.4297v1.pdf, 18 Nov 2011
2. D. Yin, Z. Xue, L. Hong, B. Davison, A. Kontostathis, and L. Edwards. Detection of harassment on web 2.0. Proceedings of the Content analysis in the Web, 2, 2009 3. T. Kohonen. Self-organization and associative memory. 2d ed. New York, Springer Verlag, 1988 4. Y. Niu, Y. min Wang, H. Chen, M. Ma, and F. Hsu. A quantitative study of forum spamming using context-based analysis. In In Proc. Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium, 2007 5. V.V. Kiselev. Automatic detection of emotions by speech. Educational technologies. No. 3, 2012, pp. 85-89 6. R.A. Extramarital. Trolling as a form of social aggression in virtual communities. Bulletin of the Udmurt University, 2012, Issue 1, pp. 48-51 7. S.V. Boltaeva, T.V. Matveev. Lexical rhythms in the text of suggestion. Russian word in language, text and cultural environment. Yekaterinburg, 1997, pp. 175-185 8. Gamova, A. A., Horoshiy, A. A., & Ivanenko, V. G. (2020, January). Detection of fake and provocative comments in social network using machine learning. In 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus) (pp. 309-311). IEEE. 9. Mei, B., Xiao, Y., Li, H., Cheng, X., & Sun, Y. (2017, October). Inference attacks based on neural networks in social networks. In Proceedings of the fifth ACM/IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies (pp. 1-6). 10. Cable, J., & Hugh, G. (2019). Bots in the Net: Applying Machine Learning to Identify Social Media Trolls. 11. Machová K., Porezaný M., Hreškova M. Algorithms of Machine Learning in Recognition of Trolls in Online Space //2021 IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI). – IEEE, 2021. – P. 000349-000354. 12. Τσανταρλιώτης Π. Identification of troll vulnerable tergets in online social networks. – 2016. 13. Mihaylov, T., Mihaylova, T., Nakov, P., Marquez, L., Georgiev, G. D., & Koychev, I. K. (2018). The dark side of news community forums: Opinion manipulation trolls. internet research. 14. Zhukov D., Perova J. A Model for Analyzing User Moods of Self-organizing Social Network Structures Based on Graph Theory and the Use of Neural Networks //2021 3rd International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Automation and Energy Efficiency ( SUMMA).-IEEE, 2021.-P. 319-322. 15. Alsmadi I., O'Brien M. J. How many bots in Russian troll tweets? //Information Processing & Management.-2020.-T. 57.-No. 6.-S. 102303. 16. Islam, M. M., Uddin, M. A., Islam, L., Akter, A., Sharmin, S., & Acharjee, U. K. (2020, December). Cyberbullying detection on social networks using machine learning approaches. In 2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering (CSDE) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. 17. Cartwright, B., Frank, R., Weir, G., & Padda, K. (2022). Detecting and responding to hostile disinformation activities on social media using machine learning and deep neural networks. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-23
Результаты процедуры рецензирования статьи
В связи с политикой двойного слепого рецензирования личность рецензента не раскрывается.
Методология исследования основана на сочетании теоретического и эмпирического подходов с применением методов анализа, машинного обучения, обобщения, сравнения, синтеза. Актуальность исследования определяется широким распространением социальных сетей, их значительным влиянием на индивидуальное и массовое сознание в современных условиях населения и, соответственно, важностью изучения и предотвращения злонамеренных действий, включая выявление кибербуллинга на основе анализа данных о поведенческой активности и эмоциональных реакциях пользователей. Научная новизна связана с предложенным автором алгоритмом выявления кибербуллинга в социальных сетях, который основан на анализе поведенческой активности и эмоциональных реакций, который сократит затраты времени на обработку данных модераторами, что в целом позволит улучшить качество общения и комфортность просмотра контента для пользователей. Статья написана английским литературным языком. Стиль изложения научный. Структура рукописи включает следующие разделы: Введение (влияние средств массовой информации на формирование взглядов населения, социальные сети, разговорный стиль общения, ограниченная ответственность авторов, огромное количество публикаций, злонамеренное влияние, проблема выявления кибербуллинга в социальных сетях, использование машинного обучения для распознавания кибербуллинга), Модели и методы (методы поиска пользователей, подвергающихся кибербуллингу, ручная модерация, анализ комментариев злоумышленников и их поведения в сети, список характеристик комментариев пользователей, эмоциональная составляющая комментариев, структура информационного и манипулирующего текста, звуковые сочетания, список полей для анализа, выборка из более чем 1200 комментариев к сообщению на политическую тему, 145 участников, идентификация 2 злоумышленников, выборка из 61 комментария на религиозные темы, 30 активных участников, злоумышленники отсутствовали, пример обучающего набора данных, самоорганизующиеся карты Кохонена, аналитический пакет Deductor, параметры обучения, результаты построения карты Кохонена, выявление 7 кластеров, проверка правильности работы нейронной сети, определение двух злоумышленников вручную, таблица значимости полей, обобщенная схема предлагаемого алгоритма обнаружения злоумышленников, преимущества и недостатки предложенного алгоритма), Заключение (выводы), Библиография. В структуре рукописи следует выделить раздел «Результаты и обсуждение». Текст включает четыре таблицы, два рисунка. Содержание рисунка 3 следует привести на английском языке (либо перевод). Содержание в целом соответствует названию. В то же время название больше подходит для научной монографии, нежели для отдельной статьи. В формулировке заголовка следует конкретизировать предмет исследования, который связан с разработкой метода выявления кибербуллинга в социальных сетях на основе анализе данных о поведенческой активности и эмоциональных реакциях пользователей. Обсуждение результатов практически отсутствует, что затрудняет определение их научной новизны. Библиография включает 17 источников отечественных и зарубежных авторов – монографии, научные статьи, материалы научных мероприятий. Библиографические описания некоторых источников требуют корректировки в соответствии с ГОСТ и требованиями редакции, например: 1. Chen C., Wu K., Srinivasan V., Zhang X.. Battling the Internet Water Army: Detection of Hidden Paid Posters (18.11.2011). URL: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1111.4297v1.pdf. 3. Kohonen T. Self-organization and associative memory. New York : Springer Verlag, 1988. ??? p. 5. Киселёв В. В. Автоматическое определение эмоций по речи // Образовательные технологии. 2012. №3. С. 85–89. 12. Τσανταρλιώτης Π. Identification of troll vulnerable tergets in online social networks. Место издания ??? : Наименование издательства, 2016. ??? p. 17. Cartwright B., Frank R., Weir G., Padda K. Detecting and responding to hostile disinformation activities on social media using machine learning and deep neural networks // Neural Computing and Applications. 2022. Vol. ???. № ???. P. 1–23. Апелляция к оппонентам (В.В. Киселёв, Р. А. Внебрачных, С.В. Болтаева, Т.В. Матвеева, C. Chen, K. Wu, V. Srinivasan, X. Zhang, D. Yin, Z. Xue, L. Hong, B. Davison, A. Kontostathis, L. Edwards, T. Kohonen, Y. Niu, Y. min Wang, H. Chen, M. Ma, F. Hsu, Gamova A. A., Horoshiy A. A., Ivanenko V. G., Mei B., Xiao Y., Li H., Cheng X., Sun, Y., Cable J., Hugh G., Machová K., Porezaný M., Hreškova M., Τσανταρλιώτης Π., Mihaylov T., Mihaylova T., Nakov P., Màrquez L., Georgiev G. D., Koychev I. K., Zhukov D., Perova J., Alsmadi I., O'Brien M. J., Islam M. M., Uddin M. A., Islam L., Akter A., Sharmin S., Acharjee U. K., Cartwright B., Frank R., Weir G., Padda K. и др.) имеет место, в основном, в обзоре литературы. Обсуждение полученных результатов, их сопоставление с данными других авторов практически отсутствует, что нужно исправить. В целом материал представляет интерес для читательской аудитории, и после доработки рукопись может быть опубликована в журнале «Вопросы безопасности». |