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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
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Three global legal systems of modernity: convergence and antagonisms / Three global legal systems of modernity: convergence and antagonisms

Чиркин Вениамин Евгеньевич

доктор юридических наук

профессор, сектор сравнительного права, Институт государства и права, Российская академия наук

119019, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Знаменка, 10

Chirkin Veniamin Evgen'evich

Doctor of Law

Leading Scientific Associate, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Legal Studies under the Government of the Russian Federation, Professor, department of Comparative Law, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

119019, Russia, Moscow, Znamenka Street 10

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Аннотация: The author examines the existing in the Russian and foreign literature classifications of legal systems and legal families, notices their inaccuracies. The terms "legal system» and "legal family» are often used as a single, different social essence of the major legal systems is ignored. Anglo-Saxon law and totalitarian socialist legal system are in the same classification unit. It is offered new approaches and synthesis. The author uses the historical, logical, deductive, inductive and comparative research methods, applies the formational-civilizational approach and, on this basis, identifies three major legal systems in the modern world: the Muslim system, liberal semi-social capitalist system and the totalitarian socialist system. On the basis of socio-culturalogical legal approach within each of the global systems are highlighted the legal families, there are examples of countries. In the Moslem system there are fundamentalist (radikalist) and modernized (upgraded) legal families, but also for another reason - the Sunni and Shiite communities legal families, in the liberal semi-social capitalist system there are Anglo Saxon, the Romano-German and other families, in the totalitarian socialist system - orthodox Leninist-Bolshevik and partly modenized, upgraded (but only in the area of economic regulation) family.

Ключевые слова:

the legal systems, Classification, The Muslim system, Liberal capitalist system, Totalitarian socialist system, Legal families, Comparative Law, Family Law, Islamic law, common law

Abstract: The author examines the classifications of legal systems and legal families that exist in the Russian and foreign literature, and notices their inaccuracies. The terms “legal system” and “legal family” are often used interchangeably, different social essence of the major legal systems is ignored. Anglo-Saxon law and totalitarian socialist legal system are in the same classification unit. It is offered new approaches and synthesis. The author uses the historical, logical, deductive, inductive and comparative research methods, applies the formational-civilizational approach and, on this basis, identifies three major legal systems in the modern world: the Muslim system, liberal semi-social capitalist system and the totalitarian socialist system. On the basis of socio-culturological legal approach within each of the global systems, the author highlights the legal families. In the Moslem system there are fundamentalist (radical) and modernized (upgraded) legal families, but also for another reason - the Sunni and Shiite communities legal families, in the liberal semi-social capitalist system there are Anglo Saxon, the Romano-German and other families, in the totalitarian socialist system - orthodox Leninist-Bolshevik and modernized partly, upgraded (but only in the area of economic regulation) family.


the legal systems, Classification, The Muslim system, Liberal capitalist system, Totalitarian socialist system, Legal families, Comparative Law, Family Law, Islamic law, common law, Economics, law, economic law, the subject of economic law, banking law, geopolitics, business law, administrative economic law, investment law, customs law

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4. Almond G and Verba S. The Civil Culture .Princeton.1963
5. Legrand P. Fragment on Law-in-Culture. P.1999; LEGRAND P. Le droit comparé, P., 4ème édition, R.2011.
6. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law/ ed. by M.Reimann, R.Zimmermann. Oxford. 2008.P.631.[ See M. Reimann and R. Zimmermann (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law (2008), p. 631.]
7. Rossiiskaya gazeta [Russian Newspaper], 1 July 2014.
8. Hamon F., Troper M. Droit constitutionnel.30e éd.; 2007, p. 79. Sm.:Toinbi A. Postizhenie istorii. M. 1991. S.73