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PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal
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Review of the book Valentina N. Kholopova. Put’ artista: Vladimir Spivakov [The Path of the Artist: Vladimir Spivakov]. Moscow, “Deka-VS”, 2013. ISBN 901-5-901951-56-9. 328 p

Погосян Гукас Геворгович

Композитор и педагог по музыкально-теоретическим п, Аналитик исполнительского творчества Владимира Спивакова.

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Pogosyan Gukas Gevorgovich

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Аннотация: The author of the book is Dr Valentina Nikolayevna Kholopova, who is a professor at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. The subject of the research is the performing art of the outstanding musician of modernity, Vladimir Spivakov. The biography shows his formation as a violinist and conductor, the founding of the “Virtuosi of Moscow” chamber orchestra, the “National Philharmonic Orchestra” and the “International Beneficiary Foundation,” his work as the president of the Moscow International House of Music and as organizer of international festivals. Analysis is presented of many of Spivakov’s interpretations, from Vivaldi and Mozart to Franck, Brahms, Rachmaninoff, Mahler, Schoenberg, Shostakovich and Schnittke. The book applies historical-documentary and musical-analytical methods of research on the basis of musical scores and live performance sound. The novelty of the work is determined by the fact that for the first time the basic facts of Spivakov’s artistic biography are systematized in it, his evolution is traced from a solo violinist to a conductor of a large symphony orchestra, and the significance of his role in artistic culture is discosed.

Ключевые слова:

music, biography, violin, orchestra, chorus, conductor, foundation, festival, tours, interpretation

1. Barankin, E. “Virtuozy Moskvy”: chetyre vremeni goda [The “Virtuosi of Moscow”: the Four Seasons] //Muzykal’naya zhizhn’”. 1985. N.18. 8-9.
2. Virtuozy Moskvy [“The Virtuosi of Moscow”] XXV. Compiled by Evgeny Epstein. Moscow, “P. Jurgenson,” 2005. 96 pp.
3. Spivakov, Vladimir. Mimolyotnosti [Visions fugitives]. Moscow, “Muzyka”, 2004. 226 p.
4. Braeuner, Gabriel. Les années Spivakov: chronique du Festival international de musique de Colmar, 1989-2003. Strasbourg, la Nuée Blue, 2004.
1. Barankin, E. “Virtuozy Moskvy”: chetyre vremeni goda [The “Virtuosi of Moscow”: the Four Seasons] //Muzykal’naya zhizhn’”. 1985. N.18. 8-9.
2. Virtuozy Moskvy [“The Virtuosi of Moscow”] XXV. Compiled by Evgeny Epstein. Moscow, “P. Jurgenson,” 2005. 96 pp.
3. Spivakov, Vladimir. Mimolyotnosti [Visions fugitives]. Moscow, “Muzyka”, 2004. 226 p.
4. Braeuner, Gabriel. Les années Spivakov: chronique du Festival international de musique de Colmar, 1989-2003. Strasbourg, la Nuée Blue, 2004.